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Global Refuge OpEd: Protect Afghan Women & Girls | Baltimore Sun

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Global Refuge Staff

October 22, 2021

Global Refuge In Baltimore Sun: Protect Afghan Women and Girls

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah is the president and chief executive of the Global Refuge. She previously served as Policy director to former First Lady Michelle Obama, leading her “Let Girls Learn” initiative.

Much has been said about the future of Afghan women and girls once again under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, and for good reason. We are already seeing that, despite the Taliban’s dubious claims that their government would guarantee “all [women’s] rights within the limits of Islam,” the reality is proving otherwise.

It has been a full month since girls have been de facto banned from attending secondary school. No women have been named to the Taliban’s newly appointed Cabinet. In some areas controlled by the Taliban, women have been told they cannot seek medical care without a male relative as an escort. Others have been forcibly married off to militants.

Read the Full Piece in the Baltimore Sun

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