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Press Release

Global Refuge urges thoughtful immigration discussion at DNC

Global Refuge Staff

August 19, 2024

Aug 19, 2024
Contact: Timothy Young |

Washington, D.C. – As the Democratic National Convention approaches, Global Refuge, the nation’s largest faith-based nonprofit dedicated exclusively to supporting refugees and immigrants, calls upon party leaders and delegates to prioritize comprehensive and compassionate immigration reforms in their platform discussions and policy proposals.

“This national spotlight is a unique opportunity for leaders to reject fearmongering, dispel harmful myths, and make a full-throated case that an America without immigrants is no America at all,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, President and CEO of Global Refuge. “This week, we hope to hear a robust commitment to policies that respect the rights and dignity of immigrants and refugees, prioritize family unity, and reflect the enormous contributions these newcomers make to our communities, workforce, and economy.”

In recent weeks, both the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees have emphasized the importance of border security. At the Republican National Convention and in subsequent appearances, former President Trump has vowed to seal the border and carry out the largest deportation operation in U.S. history. For her part, Vice President Kamala Harris has promised to hire thousands more border agents and reiterated her support for a bipartisan agreement her campaign has called “the toughest border control bill in decades.”

Global Refuge urges discussion of a wider range of critical issues along with border security, including a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and undocumented residents, asylum protections for those fleeing violence and persecution, the financial and moral cost of large scale, for-profit immigration detention, and the vital economic and labor contributions made by newcomers of all backgrounds.

“While border security is an important concern, it is just the tip of the iceberg of a much more expansive immigration policy landscape,” added Vignarajah. “Among other steps, ensuring a pathway to citizenship, safeguarding access to asylum, and reevaluating the use of private detention centers would represent meaningful progress in creating an immigration system that is fair, humane, and economically beneficial. The message must meet the moment: our nation’s strength lies in our diversity and in our long legacy of welcoming those seeking safety, freedom, and a share in the American dream.”


About us: 

Global Refuge, formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, is a nonprofit serving newcomers seeking safety, support, and a share in the American dream. For 85 years, we have welcomed those seeking refuge, upholding a legacy of compassion and grace for people in crisis. We walk alongside individuals, families, and children as they begin their new lives in the United States through our work in refugee resettlement, welcome and respite services for asylum seekers, economic empowerment and employment, and family unification for unaccompanied children. To date, we have served over 750,000 people from around the globe. At Global Refuge, welcoming newcomers isn’t just our duty—it’s an inherent part of our identity, rooted in our Lutheran heritage and inspired values, and serving as a testament to our unwavering commitment to those in search of refuge. 

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